toasted violet crabs

un espacio informativo y crítico. de esos que existen muchos. se trata de jaibas, de tostadas, de color violeta.

lunes, junio 04, 2007

Una razón mas para limitar el uso de internet a menores de edad.

I bubbelieve that we the people are just like bubbles.
We are all different shapes, colours and sizes,
just like bubbles
and some of us last longer than others,
just like bubbles...and though our surface tensions may vary,
we all come from the same Source,
just like bubbles.
All bubbles come from joy.
All people come from Love,

because only Love exists.
When we don't know we come from Love,
we fall in Love.
When we realize we come from Love,
we rise in Love...just like bubbles.

© 1992 garry golightly

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